Sunday, March 22, 2009


Behold, Owl City!!! Listen, and fall in love.

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(Thanks Tarah!)

Friday, March 20, 2009

3OH!3, John Spengler, Basshunter

My new Group of the Moment -- 3OH!3.
I heard their song "Don't Trust Me" on the radio, looked them up later, and I was hooked. Album review to come later b/c I haven't listened to the whole thing yet.

And my Artist of the Moment -- Basshunter.
Kind of cheesy sometimes but I'm sucker for dance, plus I loove that he's Swedish. His album, "LOL <(^^,)>" (weirdest album title I've ever seen, wtf was he thinking?) is my favorite all around, but a few of my very favorite tracks of his come from his American-atized album "Now You're Gone," probably because I can understand more of what he's saying in them. You should definitely look up "DotA," "All I Ever Wanted" (those two are the same song, I think, except one is in Swedish [I'm guessing], and the other in English), and "Boten Anna."

Finally, my Singer/Songwriter of the Moment -- John Spengler.
I've liked this guy for a while, but I've never really mentioned him to anyone, and I figured it was time I did. My favorite tracks are "Never Better Of Alone," "And I Don't," and "It's All Right Wrong."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Million $$$ music

So I saw Slumdog millionaire a couple weeks ago (yeah I know, I'm really late on posting stuff), and completely LOVED it, and completely adore it's soundtrack. It just sounds so Indian! It fits the movie so well, and is definitely a big part of what makes the movie feel so much more real... Whever A.R. Rahman (they composer) is, I <3 him.
My favorite track is probably "O... Saya," it just makes me feel so alive. That's what makes or breaks a song -- the good ones it remind that I'm alive, and the bad ones make me wish I wasn't.
The whole thing is just so enerjetic, it makes me wanna jump up and down and dance and then maybe go somewhere where I can feel the wind in my face. At the end of the movie there is a scene of the lead actors and abunch of other people dancing to "Jai Ho," and I found it very hard to restrain myself from dancing along with them in the theater. I even didn't really mind M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes," a song I'm not very fond of, being on the playlist because it fit with the whole thing so well.
So, to sum up my most likely pointless to every one but me ramblings, Slumdog Millionaire's soundtrack is definitely a winner! Time for some yummy music dancing!

In other old news that I'm interested in, YAYAY!!! Blink-182's back! May their music be dance worthy, and may they never do anything like putting a horse's rear on an album cover again.
And I didn't get picked for Fall Out Boy meet and greet at the Atlanta show... :(. But I am gonna still see them AND Cobra Starship, so life's still AWESOME! and life's still life.
I have got to get better at this... But practice makes perfect, right? So I'll just post more! and after a bunch of boring/annoying posts, I will learn how to write really good ones. :D I am so smart in such a conventional way, isn't it wonderful? ;)

Saturday, February 14, 2009


i give up i'm no good at this...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am way too excited.

I bought the FOB tickets! Excitement!

Now go listen to John Spengler and Basshunter. I mean it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


SWEET!!! Fall Out Boy is gonna be in Atlanta on April 23rd (a Thursday...)!!! They're coming as part of the Friends or Enemies Believers Never Die Part Deux tour, along with Cobra Starship (YAY! again) Metrostation, All Time Low, and Hey Monday. Cobra Starship is an AMAZING group that you've probably heard of before. Same for Metrostation, minus a little bit of sharpness. All Time Low is most definitely not low and I don't know why I keep doing this because anyone worth their salt has heard these yummymusic bands before.

But as for Hey Monday, I'd definitely heard of them, but not really listened to their music. I've had the song Obvious on my iPod and I listen to it sometimes, but it's nothing really amazing. Just a bit poppy for my tastes. Well, I listened to the entirety of their only album, Hold On Tight, today; and it turns out that it's all the same, up beat and sometimes catchy, but all around annoying. The album starts with a classic "I don't care what they say cause they don't know who we are" (Set Off), and continues on with the typical teenage girl-friendly material, such as cheating boyfriends (How You Love Me Now), and a girl that is going through a difficult phase- but don't worry, because they reassure us that things will indeed work out for "Josey."
Somewhere in the middle is a slower tempo-ed number about "Candles" which must be blown out, and the album closes out with what is probably it's best track, "6 Months". Sure, the lyrics are still about teenage heartbreak and being "weak in the knees," but it's acoustic, and is slow enough to avoid sounding like it was written by a squirrel who just had 5 venti Frappucinos. After having listened to 9 songs that had started making me wonder if they were indeed written by squirrels (and possibly sung by one, too), and one song about candles, the ending was definitely appreciated.

So, I figure that at the concert everything will be so loud, it won't really matter what Hey Monday is playing, and I'll be so hyper due to anticipation of seeing my favorite and second favorite bands, that I will not care anyway.
"...I don't care what you think as long as it's about me, the best of us can find happiness in misery..."
Also, what is it with the French? I mean, "Part Deux?" I guess it's supposed to go with "Folie A Duex," but I really don't get why they felt they had to do that. But, enough with the plotbunny or whatever that was.

And now, I shall throw in some lemons just because I can:

Goodbye, and HAPPY THURSDAY! (because it was Thursday when I wrote this, so just pretend that it's Thursday now, and you can fully appreciate how little that mattered.)

Finally some fresh color.

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The colors on here really are much too rich. I must hurry and learn how to make my own layout so I can fix that. For now, some of my very favorite music.